Narayana Sūkta.12
तस्याः शिखाया मध्ये परमात्मा व्यवस्थितः। स ब्रह्म स शिवः स हरिः स इन्द्रः सोऽक्षरः परमः स्वराट्॥
tasyāḥ śikhāyā madhyē paramātmā vyavasthitaḥ। sa brahma sa śivaḥ sa hariḥ sa indraḥ sō'kṣaraḥ paramaḥ svarāṭ॥
[tasyāḥ = in its; śikhāyā = flare tip; madhyē = in the centre; paramātmā = supreme essence; vyavasthitaḥ = is situated;। sa brahma = He only is the Brahman, the ultimate reality; sa śivaḥ = He only is the Shiva, the auspicious; sa hariḥ = He only is Hari, the remover of obstacles; sa indraḥ = He only is the Indra, and ruler of the mind and senses; sō'kṣaraḥ = He only is the akshara, the imperishable; paramaḥ = supreme; svarāṭ = independent;]
At the tip of such effulgence, at the centre, the supreme essence, ParamaAtma , is situated. He only is Brahman, the ultimate reality; He only is Shiva, the auspicious; He only is Hari, the remover of obstacles; He only is Indra, the ruler of mind and senses; He, the supreme and independent, only is Akshara, the imperishable.