Karika 01
दुःखत्रयाभिघातात् जिज्ञासा तदपघातके हेतौ। दृष्टे साऽपार्था चेन् नैकान्तात्यन्ततोऽभावात् ॥१॥
duḥkhatrayābhighātāt jijñāsā tadapaghātake hetau। dr̥ṣṭe sā'pārthā cen naikāntātyantato'bhāvāt ॥1॥
[duḥkha = misery from; traya = three types of; abhighātāt = abominable events; jijñāsā = desire to enquire; tat = those; apaghātake = accidents; hetau = cause; dr̥ṣṭe = to realize; sa = that (inquiry); apārthā = is purpose less / futile; ceta = if it is said; na = no; ekānta = single end; atyanta = with certainty; taḥ = of other; abhāvāt = inadequacy of;]
Having experienced misery from three types of abominable events, the desire to inquire into the cause of such accidents arise. If it is said such an inquiry is futile, it is not true! Other means to achieve such an end with certainty are found to be inadequate.
The three kinds of undesirables are AdhyAtmika – bodily and mental pain caused within, Adhibhautika – pain caused by external known causes, and Adhidaivika – pain caused by external unknown causes. Investigation into their cause is required as other means to obtain lasting happiness is found to be inadequate.