Vaisesika Sūtras
Vaisesika Sūtra 2.2.22
तुल्यजातीयेष्वर्थान्तरभूतेषु विशेषस्योभयथा दृष्टत्वात् ॥२२॥
tulyajātīyeṣvarthāntarabhūteṣu viśeṣasyobhayathā dr̥ṣṭatvāt ॥22॥
[तुल्य (tulya): Equal; जातीय (jātīya): Of the same kind or species; एषु (eṣu): Among; अर्थ (artha): Meaning or object; अन्तरभूत (antarabhūta): Having different natures; एषु (eṣu): Among; विशेष (viśeṣa): Special or specific; अस्य (asya): Of this; उभययथा (ubhayayathā): Both ways; दृष्टत्वात् (dṛṣṭatvāt): Due to being observed;]
Among the same kind that are equal, and among those with difference, the particularity among both are observed.


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय। ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥ - बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् 1.3.28
"Ōm! Lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, and from death to immortality. Let there be peace, peace, and peace. Ōm!" - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28

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