Karika 28
शब्दादिषु पञ्चानामालोचनमात्रमिष्यते वृत्तिः। वचनादानविहरणोत्सर्गानन्दाश्च पञ्चानाम् ॥२८॥
śabdādiṣu pañcānāmālōcanamātramiṣyatē vr̥ttiḥ। vacanādānaviharaṇōtsargānandāśca pañcānām ॥28॥
[शब्दादिषु पञ्चानाम् अलोचन मात्रम् इष्यते वृत्तिः। वचन अदान विहरण उत्सर्ग आनन्दः च पञ्चानाम्॥
śabdādiṣu = sound and other; pañcānām = five in number; alōcana = by thinking; mātram = alone; iṣyatē = exists; vr̥ttiḥ = volitions; vacana = speech; adāna = manipulation; viharaṇa = movement; utsarga = excretion; ānandaḥ = pleasure (sexual); ca = also; pañcānām = five in number;]
Mental acts to sense sound and others, five in number, happen by thinking alone. Similarly, speech, manipulation, movement, excretion, and (sexual) pleasure are also five in number.
Types of mental acts, volitions, 'vr̥ttiḥ' are being described. Five mental acts to sense and five mental acts initiated towards physical response, in total they are ten in number.