Karika 50
आध्यात्मिकाश्चतस्रः प्रकृत्युपादानकालभाग्याख्याः। बाह्या विषयोपरमात्पञ्च्च नव तुष्टयोऽभिमताः ॥५०॥
ādhyātmikāścatasraḥ prakr̥tyupādānakālabhāgyākhyāḥ। bāhyā viṣayōparamātpañcca nava tuṣṭayō'bhimatāḥ ॥50॥
[आध्यात्मिकाः चतस्रः प्रकृति उपादान काल भाग्य आख्याः। बाह्या विषय उपरमात् पञ्च च नव तुष्टयोः अभिमताः॥
ādhyātmikāḥ = regarding topics related to soul; catasraḥ = four types; prakr̥ti = innate nature; upādāna = material / supporting matter; kāla = time; bhāgya = luck; ākhyāḥ = it is said; bāhyā = external; viṣaya = topics; uparamāt = indifference / give up; pañca = five; ca = and; nava = nine; tuṣṭayōḥ = complacencies; abhimatāḥ = is the view;]
Nine types of complacencies are elaborated. Topics related to soul are said to be four: innate nature, supporting matter, time, and luck. Indifference to external topics is five (corresponding to five senses).