Vaisesika Sūtras
Vaisesika Sūtra 2.1.6
सर्पिर्जतुमधूच्छिष्टानामग्निसंयोगाद् द्रवत्वमद्भिः सामान्यम् ॥६॥
sarpirjatumadhūcchiṣṭānāmagnisaṁyōgād dravatvamadbhiḥ sāmānyam ॥6॥
[सर्पिः जतु मधु उच्छिष्टानाम् अग्नि संयोगात् द्रवत्वम् अद्भिः सामान्यम्॥
sarpiḥ = clarified butter; jatu = wax; madhu = honey; ucchiṣṭānām = remnants; agni = fire; saṁyōgāt = by union with; dravatvam = liquid-ness; adbhiḥ = by; sāmānyam = their generality॥]
The remains of clarified butter, wax, and honey - by union with fire, gains "liquid-ness", because of their generality, i.e. common property.


ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय। तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय। मृत्योर्माऽमृतं गमय। ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति: ॥ - बृहदारण्यकोपनिषद् 1.3.28
"Ōm! Lead me from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, and from death to immortality. Let there be peace, peace, and peace. Ōm!" - Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1.3.28

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